Welcome into a great, new, and wonderful yogic world through our creative and inspired project, Yoga: True Nature. After I got a sense of the title for the book I envisioned sharing 108 inspirations, since 108 in yoga tradition symbolizes spiritual completion and carries the energy of helping bring us back to our true spiritual nature. Each Asana or pose in the book will, I hope, be a blessing to you. And may all that you see and read in this book lead you closer to the beauty of your own true nature for you share that light with everyone and all that surrounds you to make the world more happy, peaceful, and free.
“Sangha” is a Sanskrit term used in both Buddhism and yoga to describe a community of like-minded and like-hearted practitioners, a fellowship of those following a common spiritual pursuit. We create a great power when we practice yoga on our own, and that power increases and multiplies when we are blessed with the synergistic dynamic of a group. Whether each yogi or yogini is practicing at their own rhythm or pace, or whether all are practicing the same postures and sequences in harmony, the essence of the Sangha is present and the group of devotees lives, moves, and breathes as one. May this book inspire you to enjoy the practice in all its forms.